FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Khalee Samo products?

Most of our products are only available from us. This allows us to guarantee the best price - and avoid unnecessary margins for middlemen - who increase the selling price.

Are the shipping costs free?

From an order value of €40, we will cover the shipping costs for you. Below an order value of €40, shipping costs €3.70.

What is your guarantee?

We have a risk-free 30-day guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your order, no problem! Then simply send us an email to support@khaleesamo.com
We will reply within 24 hours and will be happy to explain what the next steps are.

What is Khalee Samo?

We are a young team that has set itself the task of making the online shop buying experience as exciting as a shopping spree. In addition, we want to make articles available online as cheaply and easily as possible.

How do I get a refund?

Just send an email to our support. There you will be accompanied throughout the refund process.

Best regards

The Khalee Samo Team